Category: Life insurance

Augmented Longevity: Integrating Life Insurance with Advanced Medical Technologies for Enhanced Lifespan and Policyholder Value

Introduction The convergence of life insurance and advanced medical technologies is reshaping the landscape of longevity and financial planning. Augmented longevity, facilitated by innovations such as genetic testing, personalized medicine, and wearable health devices, is empowering insurers to offer enhanced policies that adapt to policyholders’ evolving health needs and longer lifespans.  Say’s Kenton Crabb,  this article […]

The Rise of Biometric Life Insurance: Utilizing Artificial Intelligence and Wearable Technologies for Personalized Risk Assessment and Premiums

Introduction The landscape of life insurance is rapidly evolving with advancements in technology, particularly the integration of biometrics, artificial intelligence (AI), and wearable devices. This transformation is reshaping how insurers assess risk and determine premiums, ushering in an era of personalized insurance solutions.  Say’s Kenton Crabb,  tThis article explores the rise of biometric life insurance, highlighting […]

Beyond Mortality: Leveraging Life Insurance as a Tool for Wealth Creation and Intergenerational Planning in a Volatile Market

Introduction In today’s unpredictable economic landscape, individuals are increasingly turning to life insurance not just as a safeguard for loved ones in the event of their passing, but also as a strategic tool for wealth creation and intergenerational planning. Say’s Kenton Crabb, this shift reflects a broader recognition of life insurance’s versatility beyond its traditional […]